Felice Hapetzeder is a visual artist (b 1973) with MFA degree from the Fine Arts department at Konstfack College of Art, Crafts and Design. He is interested in the aesthetics and social context of collaborative creative practice, aspects of urban environment planning as well as cultural heritage production and collective memory. His methods span across video art, installation, sculpture, workshop-performance and photography. He works both independently and in collaboration with others; interested in the border between documentary storytelling and dramatization.

Contact: felice(at)hapetzeder.com


Tullkomplexet (the city borders complex)
Samtidskonst i Bro
Local A


Two year working grant Swedish Art Grants Committee

The exhibition 'Tullkomplexet' together with artists Marit Lindberg and Johan Suneson opening at Molekyl gallery in Malmö on November 15th 2024. The project was awarded a project grant by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee. Including the local art club Tullkomplexet (The City Limits Complex) to invite other artists to work in the cut between Vasastan and the new Hagastaden district which is under construction. https://www.facebook.com/tullkomplexet

Senior Lecturer/Head of Curriculum for the BA programme in Fine Arts at Novia University


Temporary public art in urban context, network meeting, Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin. Supported by the Nordic Culture Fund

Film i samtidskonsten (Film in contemporary art) screening 'Stockholm 1970' at Beau Travail, Stockholm, April 27th. Also, works by Andrew Hibbert & Lola Möller, Salad Hilowle and Mårten Nilsson & David Flamholc. Film i Samtidskonsten


Unité radieuse (and the sensitive web), video and installation 2024 in the group exhibition NUTOPIA – NEW CITY. Artists Muhammad Ali, Heba Y. Amin, Maria Backman, Kalle Brolin, Nils Claesson, Felice Hapetzeder, John Huntington, Jakob Krajcik, Kristina Müntzing, Cecilia Parsberg, Erik Pauser, Paula Urbano, Nina Wedberg Thulin. Unité radieuse is inspired by Marseille, Le Corbusier’s residential housing typology Unité d’habitation (1952), Madelon Vriesendorp’s painting series The City of the Captured Globe (1972) and Hugh Ferriss’ New York Envelope zoning drawings (1921). Thanks to Abir Boukhari, Instants Video Marseille and Iaspis international exchange. Curators Erik Berggren and Ida Röden and with support from the Swedish Arts Council and The Museum of Forgetness. Tegen2 and Studio 44, Stockholm, 23rd February to 12th of March 2024. NUTOPIA NEW CITY IMG_9178.jpg

Showing I love me in FIAV 2023, curated by Abir Boukhari. Festival International D'Art Video Casablanca, 7-11 November.


I still remember your voice, solo show in Extension Art Space, curated by Abir Boukhari, Älvkarleövägen, Stockholm. Opening on the 25th of November.

June 23rd to August 16th 2023, the group show Archivum at Fordham Univeristy's Susan Lipani Gallery, Lincoln Center, New York City, U.S. Produced by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock, Visual Arts Program Head and Associate Clinical Professor at Fordham University


Group show Shapes of Vitality with AllArtNow curated by Abir Boukhari at Wonzimmer, Los Angeles, U.S. opening 7th july 2023 in the ScandiLA context. Individual travel grant by IASPIS, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's international programme for visual and applied arts. Above: The Memory of the Clock Tower, part of a series

Terrierkväll, Mötesplats Mariatorget, 30th of April. An evening with music and art. Daniel Boyacioglu, VFO, Annika Boholm, Mathias Landæus and video art by me, organized by Katarina Eriksson and Per Sacklén. Info raserbyran.se

In video programming for Magmart, Naples, Italy

In program for Videoformes, Clermont Ferrand, France

Part of Arvika Ljus 2022


Space, group show Martin Bryder Gallery, Lund

IASPIS international exchange Marseille, France

Two year working grant Swedish Art Grants Committee

Aktivera, exhibition by Jenny Berntsson at Kungsängen konsthall produced by Samtidskonst i Bro April 23rd to June 4th


I love me in Beyond Expectation, Vulcano, Gothenburg, December 2021

Into Uncertain Present, AllArtNow Lab, Stockholm, 2021

I love me in Instants Video, Marseille, November 2021

AllArtNow at Supermarket artfair, Stockholm, October 2021

Children's Art Museum - Barn-konsthall, Corpus tensile, Ana Maria Almada De Alvarez at Kungsängen konsthall.

Project manager of Samtidskonst i Bro - Contemporary Art in Bro Community and three other art clubs

AllArtNowLab is pleased to announce "Into Uncertain Present" Älvkarleövägen 6 Stockholm Sweden

Virtual Residency. Anna Ill (UK), Anna López Luna (ES), Chantal Rousseau (CA), Felice Hapetzeder (SE), Mounir Gouri (DZ), Muhammad Ali (SE) and Tracy Peters (CA). Into Uncertain Present is curated by Abir Boukhari (SE). The virtual residency is organized by AllArtNow (SE) in partnership with PLATFORM centre (CA), MAWA (CA) and Jiser (ES). The project is supported by Kulturradet (SE), The Institute of Culture of Barcelona City Council and OSIC of the Generalitat of Catalunya 2021

Part of the team of Konstexpressen at the National Museum Stockholm 2020-21

<Into Uncertain Present> One day screening program at Hangar Barcelona, 21 July 2021

Stockholm 1970 (2003) is presented in Film i Samtidskonsten during the period 29th of March until the 12th of April 2021

Image of a traitor (2017) in Festival Miden online and physical space, Greece, 2020

First experimental project of the Balcony curator's network. Transmission: International Sound Window Featuring Alexandra Torres Novoa and music by Simo Brotherus. Fourth Wall Gallery - Waitzstrasse 17, Berlin. Au QuinzE Artist Laboratory - 15 Avenue Parmentier, Paris. A.P.T. Art in Perpetuity Trust, London. Kulturhuset, Kungsängen

Connecting Georgia/Memory of Water, Intercult/MCON, Batumi, Georgia and Södermalm, Stockholm. Presentation exhibition October 25th 2020. Event on Facebook https://fb.me/e/1EnrgM28d

Samtidskonst i Bro (Contemporary Art in Bro community) #3, Broar, participatory visual art, August 2020


Collaboration Piece at Tankesmedja (Think tank), Gylleboverket, Östra Vemmerlöv August 1st 2020

En egen röst (A voice of one's own) Video emancipation project in collaboration with Skådebanan i Jönköpings län, beginning in July 2020

Voyage video installation, Kultur och fritid Nässjö kommun, Kuben 27th June - 17th July 2020

Drafting commission for the public space at activity park in Bro, Upplands-Bro Municipality

SUSPENDED/POSTPONED Site sensitive interventions, workshops and symposium, Connecting Georgia/Memory of Water, Intercult/MCON, Batumi, Georgia and Frihamnen, Stockholm 2020

SUSPENDED/POSTPONED Part of the AllArtNow booth at Supermarket Stockholm Independent Art Fair 23-26 April 2020

Solo-show at Konstfåglarna art club, Aspudden 2-12 March with support from Swedish art club's Association

Artist in Hospital, Commission of permanent video art work, Gävleborg Region. Inauguration 3rd of March 2020

Voyage screened in Wishful Images selection at Moving Image Research Centre (MIRC) at the University of East London, January 29th 2020

Group show We are your friends, ID:I gallery Stockholm 29th October to 8th December 2019. Artists in the show Anna Ridderstad (SE), Artemis Potamianou (GR), Gabriella Carlsson (SE), Tim Claxton (UK), JUJE Collective (CA) Josefina Malmgård (SE), Joonas Jokiranta (FI), Marie-Lou Desmrules (CA), Amélie Laurence Fortin (CA), Sibylle Feucht (GR), Felice Hapetzeder (SE) Johanna Jönsson (SE)

Solo show Collaboration Piece at Ifö Center Konsthall, Bromölla, October 5th to November 20th 2019

The group show The City Shines Every Day With New Stories, curated by Abir Boukhari, All Art Now, WIP Konsthall Stockholm opening 5 PM 6 November 2019. The exhibition opens daily from 16.00 to 18.00 till the 18th of Nov Felice Hapetzeder – Juanma Gonzalez - Karine Mannerfelt – Mapping the Unjust City - Maria Lantz – Mourad Kouri - Muhammad Ali – Nisrine Boukhari Curated by Abir Boukhari

Voyage (2017) included in Wishful Images programme as part of 51zero Festival, at the Herbert Read Gallery at the University of the Creative Arts in Canterbury, from 8 – 17 November. Wishful Images features work by Maite Abella, Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu, Inga Burrows, Manuela Johanna Covini, Jill Daniels, Johannes Gierlinger, Mario Hamad, Felice Hapetzeder, Carolyn Lambert, Matthias Kispert, Thomas Kneubühler, Treasa O’Brien, Oliver Ressler, Tanaya Vyas and Stephen Wardell. The programme has been curated by Jill Daniels, Matthias Kispert and Inga Burrows

The video work Voyage (2017) shown at fourteen video stations in public spaces in Sweden during October 17th to November 6th 2019. The County Councils of Gävleborg, Uppsala and Dalarna (VIDEOGUD) represented by Kultur Gävleborg

Bästa Biennalen - The Best Biennial for inclusion with focus on children and young people in October 2019. Artists are Ahmad Alnabolsy, Albin Biblom, Anders Kappel, Annika Bryngelsson, Annika Zetterström, Astrid Göransson, Bianca Maria Barmen, Camilla Caster, Carlos Garaicoa, Christine Ödlund, Cilla Midvall, Clay Ketter, Dalia Lopez, Daniel Skoglund, Elina Metso, Emily Willman, Emma Jakobsson, Eva Hejdström, Felice Hapetzeder, Fredrik Söderberg, Gabriella Dahlman , Gylleboverket, Hamid Mohamadi, Hannah Streefkerk, Helena Olsson, Henrietta Kozica, Henrik Lund Jørgensen, Håkan Bengtsson, Isak Burström, Jan Marius Kiøsterud , Jasmine Cederqvist, Joanna Thede, Jonne Persson, Josefine Axelsson, Kalle Brolin, Karin Palola, Kristina Müntzing, Kristoffer Ørum, Kyung-Jin Cho, Lena Blohmé, Lena Ignestam, Lisa D Manner, Lisa Ewald, Lisa Nyberg, Martin Severinson, MASU, Matilda Haritz Svenson, Michael Rakowitz, Moa Lönn, MuralCentralen, Märta Mattsson, Nanna Nore, Nike Åkerberg, Nilas Dumstrei, Pia Eldin Lindstén, Rikke Benborg, Sevedsplaneten, Street Art Österlen, Tim Nedrup, Time Travel, Tina Willgren, Torbjörn Svensson, Trådverket and Ulrika Wennerberg. Region Skåne, Ystads kommun and Kulturrådet

Medarts Forum Visuel. The Moroccan Observatory of Image and Média organizes the Medart Visual Forum, under the theme: Creativity and Migration. A selection of migration-themed videos from the Magmart Archive will be presented by Festival Artistic Director Enrico Tomaselli. 'Mediterraneo' by Francesca Fini, Italy 'Pearl fishers' by Felice Hapetzeder, Sweden 'Borderline' by Fenia Kotsopoulou, Greece 'Terra!' by Citron | Lunardi, Italy 'Those dying then' by Andreas Mares, Austria 16-17-18-19 October 2019

AIR2 production residency at IFÖ Center Bromölla 2018-2019

Stockholm 1970 (2003) in An Ordinary Day Film Festival, August 2019, Gallery Studio 44, Stockholm

Project manager and iniciator of Samtidskonst i Bro, Contemporary Art in Bro Community, second summer project supported by Stockholm Region, The Swedish Art Council, Upplands-Bro Commune and others 2019. Artists this year are Marit Lindberg, Johan Suneson, Ana Maria Almada, Anna Wessman and Jenny Grönvall August 12-16

Commonly Used Video Formats, 5' 59" 2018, part of Samples #7 Mexico, screening #2 at The James Black Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, 14th of June 2019

Exemplary unfailed experience, solo show at Tegen 2, Stockholm, May 10th until the 2nd of June 2019

Taking part and leading the Klinik workshop in Collectivelly, a forum at Iaspis 24-26th of May, developed by Council and curated by Grégory Castéra. Participants: Erik Annerborn, Art Labor, Bigert & Bergström, Brunåkra, Eglė Budvytytė, The Center for the Less Good Idea, Loulou Cherinet, Council, CUSS Group, Anne Davidian, Art Lab Gnesta, Nathalie Gabrielsson, keyon gaskin, Cecilia Gelin, Benji Gerdes, Gideonsson/Londré, Goldin+Senneby, Soledad Gutiérrez, Gudskul, Gylleboverket, Felice Hapetzeder, Sandi Hilal, Laura Huertas Millán, Hyphen, INLAND, IntraGallactic, Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Martin Guinard-Terrin, Hanni Kamaly, Alexandra Khazina, Angie Keefer, k.ö.k, La Nocturna, Inga Lāce, My Lindh, Joanna Lombard, Lundahl & Seitl, Alice Máselniková, Raimundas Malašauskas, Mapping the Unjust City Ana Mendes, Elena Narbutaitė, Robertas Narkus, Stina Pehrsdotter, Public Movement, Vivian Rehberg, Rejmyre Art Lab, Andreas Ribbung, Elham Rokni, Viktorija Rybakova, S!GNAL, Aron Schoug, Smychka, Claire Tancons, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Kathryn Weir, Werker Collective, Knutte Wester, Sofia Wiberg, WochenKlausur, Giorgiana Zacchia, Rut Karin Zettergren, and Iaspis team.

Voyage, solo show at Glitter Ball, Enköping May 4-26. Opening May 4th 12-15 PM

Nobody lives here anymore (2018) and Voyage (2017) chosen for Solna Konstfilmfestival 2019, April 27-28, various locations in the Hagalund industrial area, Solna, Sweden

Commonly Used Video Formats (2018) is included in ADAF’s program Digital Collectives & Individualities Curated by Eirini Olympiou at Now&After 19 on 28th of April at sekh Otdelki, CCI Fabrika, Moscow. Artists: Cerezo Azahara, Slopes, Spain, 2013, 4:37 Johanna Reich, Ich bin, Germany, 2015, 2:00 Daz Disley & Fenia Kotsopoulou, Here but not Here at the Same Time, UK/Greece 2015, 9:15 Hande Zerki, Democracy, Turkey , 2015, 2:34 Laura Skocek, Citizens, Austria, 2015, 1:40 Eliza Soroga, Women in Agony, Greece, 2015, 2:14 Felice Hapetzeder, Commonly Used Video Formats, Sweden, 2017, 6:57 Marcantonio Lunardi, Unusual Journey, Italy, 2017, 3:22 Kakia Konstantinaki, Us, Greece, 2017, 4:37 Kai Welf Hoyme, Skeleton, Germany, 2016, 4:34 Francesca Leoni & Davide Mastrangelo, Simulacro, Italy, 2016, 2:49 Lefkothea-Vasiliki Andreou, ellipsis, Greece, 2017, 3:17 Yannick Dangin Leconte, Propaganda, France, 2013, 4:46 Max Hattler, Shapeshifter, Germany, 2015, 0:30 FIELD, Hidden Layer, UK, 2017, 2:54

Maredream (2018) in HOT STEAM II : A Science/Video/Art Screening at the MIT Museum, Cambridge Community Television, 438 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge USA, April 19th 2019

Commonly Used Video Formats, 5' 59" 2018 in Samples #7 Mexico. Screening on April 5th 2019, Collaborative Curatorial with Frontera Garibaldi, Calle Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas 85, Col. Centro, Mexico City. -Memorial, 12’24”, 2016, Ukraine by Alexander Isaenko -The Place where there are Betel nut, 5'31", 2016, JP/Taiwan by Aoi Swimming and Mikio Saito -Speculations, 19’38”, 2016, Netherlands by Arjen de Leeuw -Cutting Path, 4’ 01”, 2018, México & Sweeden by Cyntia Botello -How to turn your bed into an office, 2’ 10”, 2017, Tel Aviv by Eden Mitsenmacher (In collaboration Rebecca Tritschler) -Santa María, 14’ 00”, 2018, Italia by Emanuele Dainotti -Santa Teresa, 12’ 00”, 2016 Italia by Emanuele Dainotti -Post Memory from a Lost Country, 4' 33", 2017, Irlanda by Emma Zukovič -In the House of Mantegna, 6'39", 2017, Verona, Italia by Michele Manzini -Dirty Electric Fan, 5'16", 2016, Taiwan by Mikio Saito -The Circle of Life, 3'30", 2016, Serbia by Milan Zulic -The Caller" AKA "EL NADAHA", 9' 30", 2017, Cairo, Egypt by Muhammad Taymour -Lagunas Mentales, 3' 30", 2018, México / Ecatepec by Sergio Valdivia -The Arrival of a Train at Thalwil Station, 8'28", 2018, Switzerland by Silvana & Andreas Weber -Ramusiana, 4'10", 2017, France by Stefano Miraglia -Context, 3’ 55”, 2017, France by Stéphane Billot -PARTY, 1'10'', 2018, France by Stéphane Billot -A mi vecino del departamento 1, 7’ 34”, Buenos Aires, Argentina by Valentina Henriquez Ortiz (Chile) y Pablo Salvador Boido -Bottom Aspirations Ep. 03- Leftovers, 1'45'', 2017, USA/France by Zach Hill -Circles, 7' 26", 2017, Manila, Philippines by Gerome Soriano -Get IN the Car, 1' 59", 2018, Texas, USA by Bug Davidson -Notes on Failure, 1' 55", 2017, Texas, USA by Bug Davidson -GRAFFITI, 1'00",2018, Italy by Rick Niebe -Commonly Used Video Formats, 5' 59", 2018, Sweden by Felice Hapetzeder -Identity Parade, 4' 00", 2017, Spain by Gerard Freixes Ribera -Reminiscência Intransiente, 27", 2013, Brasil by Hélio Tafner -Jello, 1’ 20”, 2016, USA/MX, by Allegra Hangen -Reverso, 1’ 27”, 2018, Mérida, Yucatán, México by Ignacio Merino Argaez -So So Sweet (A WhatsApp Forecast), 1'00", 2018, by Alejandra Morote Peralta -In the Kitchen: Three, 2' 02", 2017, USA, by Janaye Brown

Image of a Traitor (2017) in Stuttarter Filmwinter - Festival for Expanded Media, international competition, January 19th FITZ! Cinema, Stuttgart 2019

Klimax: Video space. One day video art group show thursday, December 20, 2018 6-10 PM at Kammakargatan 19, Stockholm. Showing Yes—No (2015). Artists are Adele Kosman, Cilia Wagén, David Ramnerö, Estrid Åkermark, Fanny Saga, Felice Hapetzeder, Fernando Illezca, Igor Blomberg Tranaeus, Joanna Herskovits, Guro Rex, Karon Nilzén, Linnea Wästfelt, Lukasz Horbów, Max Tiefenbacher, Oscar Häggström, Sally Karlsson Stella Beling

Nobody lives here anymore (2018) and Pearl Fishers (2017) selected for the exhibition Diaspora in the desecrated church of San Carlo e Sant'Agata, Reggio Emilia, Italy, opening November 17th 2018 and lasting a month. Also featuring the works of Beatrice Favaretto, Evi Pärn, Clemence B. T. D. Barret, Vardit Goldner, Shahar Marcus, Hidemi Nishida and Wenlin Tan. Curated by Manuel Portioli, FlagNoFlags

Filmform Re:view - Abir Boukhari. Skulden, Elin Magnusson, 2010, Modellarkivet, Malin Petterson Öberg, 2017, Stockholm 1970, Felice Hapetzeder, 2003, Jordmannen, Muammer Özer, 1980, Det är vi, Paula Urbano, 2013, This is the Place, Lina Selander, 2001. Filmform Svarvargatan 2, 28th November

The video work Voyage (2017) will be shown in Experimental Video Screening and Exhibition. The screening on Saturday, September 29th and the video exhibition from October 1st through November 9th. The Exchange Gallery, Bloomsbury PA, USA


World premiere of the video work Nobody lives here anymore supported by the Swedish Art Grants Committee will be shown on the grand stage of Kungsängen kulturhus, October 10th 6PM. An ouverture by musician Henrik Meierkord was be performed in connection to the screening

Image of a Traitor (2017) in an installation by Chloe Lamford, Mel Brimfield and Ewan Jones Morris in TBCTV at Somerset House London during Frieze week 03-07 Oct 2018. Artists featured Tamy Ben Tor, Sol Calero and Dafna Maimon, Kalup Linzy, Mary Reid Kelley, Bedwyr Williams and Rachel Maclean, Mark Aerial Waller, Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger, Benjamin Berg, Daria Blum, Hazel Brill, Tom Cardew & Katarina Rankovic, Sarah Cockings & Harriet Fleurot, Collectif_fact, Phil Collins, Milo Creese, Amy Cutler, Rob Daglish, Nikita Daikar, Chris Paul Daniels, Hannah Dargavel-Leafe & Jack West, Phoebe Davies, Anita Delaney, Roy Efrat, Anna Eijsbouts, Bec Evans, Rob Flint, Samuel Fouracre, Robert Fox, Lisa Freeman, Vilte Fuller, Rachel Garber Cole, Rosie Gibbens, Dave Griffiths, Winston Hacking, Katie Handley, Felice Hapetzeder, Susannah Hewlett, Onyeka Igwe, Karl Ingar, Zoe Irvine & Pernille Spence, Matthew de Kersaint Gerdeau, John Lawrence, Shannon Lewis, Tasha Lizak-Naikauskas, Charlie Lynne, David Mackintosh, James McColl, Annie Morrells, Rebecca Moss, Cinzia Mutigli, Nowhere Mountain, Marijn Ottenhof, Molly Palmer, Nat Paton, Kevin John Pocock, Katerina Rankovic, Casey Raymond, Sean Reynard, Joey Rykien, Natalie Sharp, Natalia Skobeeva, Aoi Swimming & Mikio Saito, Paul Tarrago, Thu Tran, Charlie Tweed, Puck Verkade, Dominic Watson, Demelza Watts, Rowan Wrigley, Shino Yanai.


Project manager of Samtidskonst i Bro ByBeBo 2018 supported by Swedish Arts Council, Stockholm County Council, Kulturens Educational Association and Upplands-Bro municipality were held in central Bro 6-10 August with the artists Marit Lindberg and Johan Suneson & Leif Skoog. The week after, until 17 August, works were shown in the public space of Bro and from the 20th of August until September 3rd exhibition and magazine release at Konstkuben at Brohuset, Bro Centrum. Click for the PDF magazine in Swedish

Image of a Traitor in distribution at Filmform - the art film and video archive, Sweden

Never Sleep (22 minutes 2005) was shown at Den Nya Akademien in Gränslandet – symfonisk fest, Trädgården 24-25 August 2018

Voyage (2:30 min video, 2017) in Eye's Walk Digital Festival, Hermuopolis, Greece July 26-26th 2018

Den Nya Akademien - Open Session. Art belongs to everybody. Make part of changing the cultural sphere and society as a whole. Adapting (the question) (developed with Jenny Berntsson) for Ett ställe Västgötagatan 4, Stockholm on saturday 7 July 18-01

All works produced within Carousell were screened at Das Esszimmer, Bonn, July 24th from 7PM 2018

Image of a Traitor (2017) in FOKUS video art festival, Nikolaj Kunsthal and other locations around Copenhagen 15 February to 1 March 2018. FOKUS festival was extended until the 13th of May at Nikolaj Kunsthal

Image of a Traitor in the Filmform News Programme 5th of May at Oberhausen Short Film Festival 2018

Showing Never Sleep (2005) and Pearl Fishers (2015) at Terrierkväll, frm 7:30 PM 4th of May 2018, Skeppsholmsstudion, Slupskjulsvägen 34, Stockholm

Video art in relation to the project Children in pre school meet contemporary artists with choreographer Per Sacklén, dancer Katarina Eriksson, visual artist Emma Göransson and musician Rosemarie Maiyanne Sølvi Nielsen, curated by Marika Holm, screening at the Museum of Dance and Movement, 20 March 2018, Drottninggatan 17, Stockholm

Book launch and screeening with Carousell, Felice Hapetzeder, Marit Lindberg, Kristina Kvalvik and Henrik Lund Jørgensen. 26 March, ID:I gallery Stockholm


Image of a Traitor is nominated for the New Doc prize and shown in Tempo Documentary Festival 5-11 March 2018

July 19 (2017) chosen for Now&After '18 Video Festival Autonomous Reality 7-18 February in Moscow

Samtidskonst i Bro (Contemporary Art in Bro) exhibition pilot in the public space of Bro centum will run through 2018 with invited artists. The first artist is Ana Maria Almada de Alvarez with the performative project Konsten kanckar på (Art knocks on the door) 13-19 January

Screening of the video loops Never Sleep (2005) and Pearl Fishers (2015) at Livsbistron, Art for Heart - Reflection, Berns Stockholm 19th January 2018

Book launch and screeening with Carousell, Felice Hapetzeder, Marit Lindberg, Kristina Kvalvik and Henrik Lund Jørgensen. 17 January, Malmö konsthall C-salen 18-21

Image of a Traitor (2017) chosen for Shoah Film Collection by artvideoKOELN 2017

Iniciating collaboration on the project Video Sculpture with Kulturens Study Association

Book launch and screening with Carousell. 6th January 2018, Atelier Nord ANX, Olaf Ryes plass 2, Oslo

Thousand Images workshop financed by Stockholm Culture Administration in chosen youth centers during November and December 2017

Image of a Traitor (2017) in 7 minutes of fame, Muza Plus, Art Space TLV, 30 December 2017

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) shown in the video program Alienation at ID:I gallery in Stockholm December 27 2017

Reading Room in relation to the exhibition Mouth Shut, Loud Shouts, Marabouparken September 15 to December 3

Salem Art Calender exhibition in Salem Library, November 11 to 29 2017. Kicki B Selder, Carl Axling, Felice Hapetzeder, Elisabet Sivard & Christer Jansson, Linda Shamma, Hélena Strandell Parmér, Anna Berglöf, Lotta Nilsson, Midde Midenge and Martin Ehring

Art educator Vasaparkens Fsk Konstavdelning

Out With a Oooh! Exhibition with Felice Hapetzeder, Reza Hazare, Marika Holm and Sahar Burhan, Stureplan 6, 24-26 November 2017

Practice Based Network on Censorship in the Nordic countries, supported by Nordic Culture Fund

Drafting commission for Skellefteå Culture House, evigheten härligheten besynnerligheten in the spirit of Sara Lidman, discontinued 2017

THE PROMISE: FILM PROGRAM, PART 2, August 29 2017 6PM, Index Stockholm.
Stockholm 1970, Felice Hapetzeder, (2001, 10 min)
Jordmannen, Muammer och Synnöve Özer (1980, 28 min)
Take it apart and put together again, Maria Magnusson, (2014, 16 min)
The City at Night, Ane Hjort Guttu (2013, 22 min)
Skåpet, Karl Holmqvist, (1997, 17 min)
Underjordiskt möte, Guillermo Alvarez (1982, 28 min)

Axel Sjöbergstipendiet 2017, Skärgårdsstiftelsen. Awarded the 2017 Axel Sjöberg grant by Stockholm Archipelago Foundation


6 May - 4 June 2017 Carousell exhibition with Felice Hapetzeder, Marit Lindberg, Kristina Kvalvik and Henrik Lund Jørgensen at Konstnärshuset, Smålandsgatan 7, Stockholm. Opening 6th of May 13-17


Commonly Used Video Formats (4K UHD experimental video from A Video Art History, 2017) has been selected to be presented in the context of 13th Athens Digital Arts Festival May 18th–21st 2017

(the question) Konstens dag, Vetlanda May 13th

(the question) workshop at Hertsöverkstan, Luleå april 29th 2017

A Thousand Images workshop (Tusen bilder) at Marabouparken april 2017. The workshop teaches techniques of propaganda, commercials and activism in moving image as inspiration for self-presentation clips

The publication Sculptural Pavilion Photo Book by Local A. is ready

The pilot Practice Based Klinik Against Censorship awarded by Swedish Institute, October 2016 and spring 2017 in collaboration with Marabouparken konsthall. Collaborating artists Fikret Atay, Johanna Gustavsson, Felice Hapetzeder, belit sağ, Seçil Yaylalı. Publication released

Participating in Arbetets konst, Sveriges Konstföreningar 2015-2017 (Local A.)

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) shown in Anniversary Retrospective video program Cyberfest / CYFEST10 in the Hermitage Youth Educational Center during the festival (25 January -7 February 2017). Including screening at the time of IV International Festival of Krasnoyarsk Screen and Media Arts (December 16, 2016 in Krasnoyarsk (Russia), curator Victoria Ilyushkina

Solo show at Galleri 54, Gothenburg, 20 January - 12 February 2017

Local A. revisiting Torget Art Association in an exhibition in Rinkeby 26 January until 9 of February

The video 'Övningar #1 och #3 för ett blivande videokonstkollektiv' was broadcasted on Gothenburg Public Access TV during the period of the show at Galleri 54. Broadcasting slots include 20 January 19:30, 21 January 18:00 and 22 january 19:00

Chosen for sketch phase for the public commision of the Rönninge roundabout

A Thousand Images workshop, propaganda publicity and self presentation in moving image, Fruängens Skola 6 december 2016

Presentation of (the question) for Skådebanan i Jönköpings län, Jönköpings Läns Museum 7 december 2016


(frågan) by Local A., Husby Konsthall, Stockholm, 12th until 27th November 2016

Carousell in residency at Villa Bergshyddan Nordic Cultural Collaboration, City of Stockholm in November

July 19 chosen for national competition at 35th Uppsala International Short Film Festival 24-30 October 2016

July 19 in 5° Festival Internacional de Video Arte, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo UNL, Santa Fé, Argentina 22-24 September 2017

Carousell in residency at Zentrumarousell in residency at Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin in September

Sculptural Pavilion Hagalund with Kulturskyddsföreningen supported by Solna City Culture, Liljevalchs Hubb and Humlegården 29 August 2016 in the public space of Hagalund


Sculptural Pavilion Korsnäståget, Local A. at The 1st Triennial of Community Arts, Vaasa, Finland February and May 2016. Art installation in the public space at Ristikka

Summer workshops at Dieselverkstan 6, 14 July and 15 of August

Leisure Club in the park, with Jenny Berntsson, Marabouparken 15 and 16 June 2016

Sculptural Pavilion Bro, workshops in March and exhibition opening at Kungsängen konsthall 28 May 2016 until 19 June

Universal Book Circle project, Marabouparken konsthall 27 April

Sculptural Pavilion, Local A. at The Child and Youth Art Biennial Istanbul 19 April to 23 May and censorship as reason why we have terminated the exhibition on May 3rd

(frågan) workshop Sveriges Konstföreningar District Norbotten, Havremagasinet, Boden April 9th 2016

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) in 9th CYBERFEST. SOFA (Bogota) Oct 29 – Nov 2, The Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia) Nov 25 – Dec 2 and the Made In New York Media Center (Brooklyn, New York) winter 2016. Berlin and London venues to be anounced. All featured works: Eden Mitsenmacher (Israel) / “Loading”, 2015 / 0:56, Jeroen van Loon (Netherlands) / “What You See Is What You Get”, 2014 / 04:09, Nelmarie du Preez (South Africa) / “To Stab”, 2013 / 00:45, Mores McWreath (USA) / “Sharing Lazy Gains”, 2013 / 05:12, Egor Kraft (Russia) / “New Color”, 2012 / 02:39
Blanca Rego (Spain) / “Optical Sound”, 2012 / 02:27, Michael Wirthig (Austria) / “Inside the Head”, 2015 / 01:31, Veronika Reichl (USA, Germany) / “Hegel: Subjective Spirit”, 2013 / 2:58, Luigia Cardarelli (Italy) / “Unspoken Words”, 2014 / 01:09, F. Hapetzeder (Sweden) / “Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments)”, 2014 / 06:00, S. Winkler (Austria) & S. Koeper (Germany) / “Smart Songdo Song”, 2014 / 05:30, Martina Menegon (Italy) / “Ouch”, 2014 / 01:10, Nicholas Steindorf (USA) / “Scan”, 2014 / 02:00, Francesc Marti (Spain) / ”Speech 1”, 2015 / 05:56, claRa apaRicio yoldi (Spain) / “RAM City”, 2014 / 06:19, Anthony Stephenson (USA) / “The Fourth One-Hundred-and-One Stop”, 2015 / 03:01, Oleg Elagin (Russia) / “Death Among Us”, 2014 / 03:26, Myriam Thyes (Israel) / “Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Vanishing Lines”, 2015 / 06:00, Lei Lei (China) / “Recycled”, 2015 / 05:22, Sebastián Mira (Colombia) / ”Halito”, 2015 / 3:43, Jeroen Cluckers (Belgium) / “Oneiria”, 2014/ 03:52, Michael Beitz (USA) / “Liable”, 2015 / 00:25, Sandrine Deumier & Philippe Lamy (France) / ”GogatsuByo”, 2015 / 14:51* * Additional inclusion in St Petersburg

Carousell in new development funded by BoostHBG Film i Skåne

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments), 366, Pearl Fishers and Trench selected for the Vidivit video art platform

Danube Videoart Festival, CologneOFF 2016 Austria 19 February 7 PM, Stadtkino Grein
Im Namen des Unaussprechlichen / In the Name of the Ineffable
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Touchless, 2014, 4:46
Pu Shuai Cheng (Taiwan) – Snake in my mind, 2015, 4 :52
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru)- My old Man's Pistol, 2012, 2:36
William Peña Vega (Colombia) – Control, 2013, 3:45
Johanna Reich (Germany) – Front, 2006, 2:54
Attila Bende (Romania) - Memento, 2015, 3:52
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden) – 366, 2014, 1:24
Gabriel Hosovsky (Slovakia) – Miscellany VIII, 2013, 5:14
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:03
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Cape Mongo : Plastic, 2015, 5:00
Mr MVIB (Spain) – Break Glass In Case Of Crisis, 2013, 1:50
Caro Estrada-Steiger (Austria) - Typemachinery, 2011, 3:58
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – Jealous Guy, 2014, 4:35
Roland Quelven (France) – The Wooden Cigar Box, 2012, 4:00
István Horkay (Hungary) – Tenebrae, 2012, 6:00

4:3 Standard Definition in 7th Cairo Video Festival, Cairo 10 to 24 December 2015. Exhibition at Contemporary Image Collective (CIC)

366 is shown in Syracuse International Film & Media Festival, CologneOFF 2015 Italy, 18-30 December 2015

Yes–No (2015) in Simultan Festival, Timisoara, Romania

The exhibitionCarousell at Skånes Konstförening 6 November - 13 December 2015. Open conversation Saturday 12 December 12-15.

4:3 Standard Definition in first edition of CODEC / Festival / Muestra de Vídeo Y Creaciones Sonoras 2015 2 - 5 December, Centro Cultural Casa Talavera, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico; EL77 Centro Cultural Autogestivo, Col. Juarez, Mexico; L.A. C.A.L.A.C.A. Col. Alamos, Benito Juárez, Mexico

July 19 in FIVA 5th International Festival of Video Art, Selección Official 02, 5 - 7 P.M. Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno, J. L. Borges, 1 December 2015, Buenos Aires

Part of Everything in Imago Mundi - group show at Fondazione Cini, Venice, 31 August until 1 November

Opening of (the question) and (the answer) by Local A. (Jenny Berntsson and Felice Hapetzeder) opens at 4 PM on October 24th at Black Sesame Space, Beijing. The exhibition is open until November 1. Research has been taking place at Institute for Provocation in Beijing during autumn 2015

Art Island (Konstön) video in the International Biennial of Short Video -5 MINUTES. The fifth edition is entitled Insomnia Dyslexia as proposed by this year's guest curator Ece Pazarbaşı. Works from the authors Bonnie Begusch, Neno Belchev, Anupong Charoenmitr, Heidi Hörsturz, Sanja Hurem, Local A., Dustin Luke Nelson and Guido Nosari. Accompanying the opening of the Biennial, a short booklet presenting the selected works and their authors will be available in Slovenian and English languages. Official presentation of the biennial: Tuesday, 13. 10. 2015 at 6:00 PM, KAPSULA, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana. The head organiser and coordinator Polonca Lovšin will present the Biennial. Opening of the Biennial: Tuesday, 13. 10. 2015 at 8:00 PM, P74 Gallery, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana until November 3. Screening will take place in UGM Maribor (Maribor Art Gallery), Slovenia and in the Institute for Contemporary Art, Zagreb in Croatia during November and December.

'Processen i Fokus med Carousell', workshop with the three other Carousell members (Kvalvik, Lund Jørgensen and Lindberg) in converation with Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen at Iaspis in Stockholm, 23 September

366 was shown in CologneOFF at Zona de Morana - Collardo de Contreras/Avila, Spain 11-13 September 2015

The exhibition Tarlabası Contemporary by Local A. (Jenny Berntsson and Felice Hapetzeder) at PASAJ Gallery in Tarlabasi. Opening on the 4th of September 4-7 PM. Open 5-13 September (Wednesday-Saturday 3-7 PM more info on Facebook event page) as side event of the Istanbul Contemporary Art Biennial

The pilot Tarlabaşı Community Workshop and Exhibition supported by the Swedish Institute is elaborated in collaboration with PASAJ artist initiative and Tarlabasi Community Center in Istanbul during spring and autumn 2015

International Video Art Festival Now&After Moscow within the project “Moscow Art Communities”. Origin On re-cut trailer and, Onkel Kurti will be shown. 1-23 August, at the Museum of Moscow

Workshop (the question) at Husby Konsthall 22 August. Exhibition by Local A. at Husby Konsthall postponed until 2016 for larger development

Ceri Eldin's article The Limits of Forgiveness and Postmodern Art about forgiveness and the holocaust, reading Felice Hapetzeder's body of work Limits of forgiveness in relation to Derridá and Arendt, is published by Palgrave Macmillan in the anthology Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era, Edited by Tanja Schult and Diana I. Popescu in July 2015

366 in video program Enhanced Vision – Digital Video, on Tuesday, 11 August, from 10:30 – 12:30 pm in the ACM SIGGRAPH Theater, located in the International Center in the South Lobby of the Convention Center, Los Angeles

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) is shown in Les Rencontres Internationales on June 23-28, 2015, Video Library, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

366 in Enhanced Vision - Digital Video, ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community

Local A. in collaboration with Torget Art Association, Rinkeby. A performance was followed by a residency and the exhibition Arbetsplats(frågan) 20 May until 3 June 2015

366 was screened at Athens Digital Arts Festival, On Public Space, 21-24 May 2015

Carousell in residence at Nordic Art Association Stockholm, February and March 2015

Screening of (the question) at Gävle Konstcentrum March 26 2015

Screening of 366, CeC 2015 - Carnival of e-creativity, North Western Hills University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India 1-3 March

Participating in Den nya arbetsplatskonstföreningen, Sveriges Konstföreningar (Local A.) from September to January 2014-2015

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was selected for Marl Media Art Awards 2014 with exhibition at the Museum of Sculpture Glaskasten Marl, Germany. Inauguration on 26 October
Friedemann Banz & Giulia Bowinkel, Germany / METAFURNISH (2013) Ulu Braun, Germany / VERTIKALE (2013) Frank Bubenzer, Germany / SIND SIE AUSSER GEFAHR? (2014) Carla Della Beffa, Italy / BUSINESS AS USUAL (2014) Emma Charles, UK / VENTS (2012) Harun Farocki, Germany / PARALLEL I-IV (2014) Felice Hapetzeder, Sweden / YESTERDAY WAS NO GOOD DAY (LOST MONUMENTS) (2014) Barbara Hertiman, Venezuela / IN PRAISE OF DARKNESS (2014) Bettina Hoffmann, Canada/Germany / DRAIN (2012) David Jablonowski, The Netherlands/Germany / HELLO PREDICTION/ DATA MINING (2014) Konrad Korabiewski/Kristján Loðmfjörð, Germany/Iceland / NS-12 (2014) Linda Lenssen, The Netherlands / FALL IN WITH (2014) Zhenchen Liu, France/China / LA MARCHE (2013) Ke Lin, China / STAR TRAVEL 2013 (2013) Marge Monko, Belgium/Estonia / RED DAWN (PUNANE KOIT) (2013) Stefan Panhans, Germany / THE LONG GOODBYE (PRE-AFTERWORK-OK-CLUBSET) V (2013) Reynold Reynolds, Italy/USA / ONE PART SEVEN (2014) Yu-Shen Su, Germany/Taiwan / REN ZAO KONG JIAN (2012) Arya Sukapura Putra, Indonesia / PASSAGE (LOCO-MOTION) (2014) Franz von Stauffenberg, Germany / FAHRGASTZELLE (2013) Dan Walwin, The Netherlands/UK / OP (2013) Nico Joana Weber, Germany / MARKASIT (2014) Julia Weißenberg, Germany / NOTHING TO RETAIN (2014) Kai Zimmer, Germany / KANTDADA (2013). The show was open until 18 January 2015

(the question) by Local A. was exhibited at Pasaj Istanbul in January 2015

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) in the salonvideo_SUBmissions at MAGMA Contemporary Medium, Sf. Gheorge, Romania 18 December 2014 to 11 January 2015

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in Les Rencontres Internationales 1 December 2014 until 7 December 2014, Videotheque Gaîté Lyrique, Paris

Talk on Konstön at Bästa Biennalen 'Nationella och internationella perspektiv på kulturpolitiska visioner och samtidskonst', 25 November 2014 by Moderna Museet Malmö at the Technical Museum Malmö.
Greta Burman, Intendent Förmedling Moderna Museet Malmö
Cathy Carpenter, Head of department of Getty Artists Program, Los Angeles
Eva Funck, skådespelare och konstpedagog på Bonniers Konsthall i Stockholm
Susan Sheddan, Senior Learning Manager, Tate Britain and Tate Modern, London
Local A. Konstnären Felice Hapetzeder

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in the 6th Cairo Video Festival, 5th to 19th November, 2014. Thursday 13th November, Gezira Art Center, Cairo

The show Videopersona, with Felice Hapetzeder (SE), Kristina Kvalvik (NO/DK), Henrik Lund Jørgensen (DK/SE) and Marit Lindberg (SE) at Ateljér Nord ANX, Oslo, 23 October until 9 November 2014

The show Stranded Carousell, with Felice Hapetzeder (SE), Kristina Kvalvik (NO/DK), Henrik Lund Jørgensen (DK/SE) and Marit Lindberg (SE) at Kuben, Nässjö Konsthall, 11 October to 15 November 2014

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in the competition of the 33rd Uppsala International Short Film Festival, 20th to 26th October 2014

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in STOCKmotion film festival Dokhopp competition section 10 October 2014, Filmhuset - bio Mauritz 7 P.M. in Stockholm

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in Simultan Festival 2014, Timisoara, Romania 8-10 October 2014

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in verfremdete welten – gesamtkunstwerk, damenundherren, Düsseldorf 10 October 2014

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in Filmform News at Bio Rio in Stockholm on September 29 2014 at 8 P.M. Tickets can be purchased (50 kr) from Bio Rio and the other works are It's We by Paula Urbano, Analytical Chronology of Three Dimensions by Karin Kihlberg & Reuben Henry, Everyday Archives II (Flyers 1998 – 2008) by Malin Pettersson Öberg, Once Upon a time there was an unfaithful mummy by Joanna Rytel, Mother of Pearl by Magdalena Dziurlikowska and 2011 by Leontine Arvidsson

366 and Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) were selected for Cologne OFF X 10th Cologne International Videoart Festival and 366 will be screened at Muzaplus in Tel Aviv within CologneOFF X, 13 September 2014

Lecture series Barnens Bästa Biennal by Moderna Museet Malmö in Höganäs Kommun (Local A.) 19th August 2014

Workshop with Jenny Berntsson, Marabouparken 4-5 August 2014

Talk at Muzaplus, Salontalks #15, July 15 2014, Jaffa Flea Market

Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) was shown in the Architecture Shorts section of the 7th Lviv International Short Film Festival in Ukraine in July 2014

Performance Workshop (the question) at ArtCap Plastic Arts Centre, Hofit, Israel, July 2014 (Local A.)

(the question) Dress rehearsal in the public realm, Stockholm 23 June 2014 (Local A.)

366 was shown at the CentiArt VideoNomad Screening 2#, May 12-13 2014 at the RAW MATERIAL COMPANY CENTER, Dak'Art Off, Dakar, Senegal


Yesterday Was No Good Day (Lost Monuments) at the 60th International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, Filmform program 2 May 2014. Works by Felice Hapetzeder, Joanna Rytel, Magdalena Dziurlikowska, Leontine Arvidsson, Paula Urbano, Malin Pettersson Öberg and Karin Kihlberg & Reuben Henry were screened in the Filmform selection.

Local A. (Felice Hapetzeder and Jenny Berntsson) Dress Rehearsal (the question) in the project room at Iaspis on 25 April 2014. Maria skolgata 83, Stockholm, Sweden

The project formerly known as STRANDADE, now CAROUSELL emerges together with artists Kristina Kvalvik (NO/DK), Henrik Lund Jørgensen (DK/SE) and Marit Lindberg (SE). Supported by Nordisk Kulturfond. Carousell at Rum 46, Aarhus, Denmark. Opening April 3 2014

Group show I Colori Della Memoria [. BOX] Gallery, Visual Container, Milan 27-29th January 2014

Klinik workshop, The Nordic Art School (NAS), Finland, January 2014

Closing of the show Acting in the City, Norrköping Art Museum, 5th January 2014

First screening of the work 366 (HD video, 2013, 1.25 min) at VideoNomad Screening #1, CentiArt, Souterrain Atelier, La Marsa, Tunisia, 14th December 2013

Release of the book El Basilisco by Esteban Álvarez, Cristina Schiavi and Tamara Stuby 2013 with contributions by Jan Adriaans, Paulo Almeida, Nicanor Aráoz, Marco Bainella, Ana Bas Backer,
Christian Bermúdez, Adriana Bernal, Gabo Camnitzer, Asli Çavuşoğlu, Mariano dal
Verme, François Dion, Alejandro Fangi, Susanne Figner, Jaime Gamboa, Luis Guerra,
Felice Hapetzeder, Alexa Horochowski, Runo Lagomarsino, Núria Marquès, Celeste
Massin, Alejandra Montiel, Bjargey Ólafsdóttir, Roland Persson, Olivia Plender,
Cintia Romero, Pablo Rosales, Cristian Segura, Carolina Senmartin, Lila Siegrist,
Marcela Sinclair, Tamara Stuby, Jorge Tirner, Traplev (Roberto Moreira Jr.),
Lucrecia Troncoso, Alejandra Urresti, Rob Verf, Adrián Villar Rojas. Casa de la Cultura Fondo Nacional de las artes, Rufino de Elizalde 2831, Buenos Aires, 19.00 hs, 5th December 2013

Publication Konstön Art Island by Local A. 2013 (Felice Hapetzeder and Jenny Berntsson) with texts by Local A., Sinziana Ravini, Susanne Ewerlöf, Anna Nygren and others. Available at Norrköping Art Museum

A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013, Jewish Cultural Center Vilnius and Regional Museum Kedainiai, in September and October 2013. Inauguration and symposium 23-26 September


Inauguration Norrköping, Acting in the City, 28 September 2013, Norrköping Art Museum. Participating artists are Barbro Östlihn, Erik Wessel-Fougstedt, Albert Sjöström, Natasha Rosling, Viktor Rosdahl, Hans Rosenström, Stina Opitz, Katarina Nitsch, Carsten Nicolai, Local A.: Jenny Berntsson and Felice Hapetzeder, Gunilla Klingberg, Martin Karlsson Tebus, Matti Kallioinen, Fredric Ilmarson, Jeppe Hein, Unni Gjertsen, Öyvind Fahlström, Claudia Djabbari, Carl Johan De Geer, Ylva Ceder, Catti Brandelius, Falah Alani and Johanna Adebäck

5th Cairo Video Festival, Medrar, Cairo, September 2013

Video class, The Nordic Art School (NAS), Finland, November 2013

KULTURSKYDDSFÖRENINGEN Open studios at new adress Industrivägen 12 in Solna 19th September. Studio fellows Alvaro Campo, Jenny Berntsson, Karin Lindh, Ulrika Sparre and Patrik Engquist

Photography class, Product photography and Photoshop at The Department of Culture and Communication (IKK), Linköping University, September 2013

Konstön, Local A. inauguration Skärblacka, 31 August 2013.

The essay 'Between the Limits of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, using theoretical readings of Hannah Arendt and Jacques Derrida to read Felice Hapetzeder's Origin On' by Ceri Eldin, The Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University

Klinik workshop for Konstfack Alumni 13-14th may 2013

Workshop with Jenny Berntsson, Marabouparken june 2013

Lecture at Idun Lovén Art School January 29 2013

The solo show Struck, Haninge konsthall, 2013

The perfect workshop, Local A. Konsthuset Uppsala, 2013

The workshop show, Local A. Galleri Rostrum, 2013

A virtual memorial, Riga Ghetto & Holocaust Museum, NOASS Riga & artvideoKOELN, Riga 2012

Record Construct as project in Istanbul European Capital Of Culture 2010, Portable art, Kartal Bülent Ecevit Kültür Merkezi and Cennet Culture Center, Küçükçekmece, Istanbul 2010

SanctionedArray, SpecifyOthers, White Box, New York 2010


First Klinik professional artists workshop at gallery ak28, Krukmakargatan 28, Stockholm 2007.

Black and white Flag project from 1999-2009






Patrick Nilsson, Katarina Eismann, Felice Hapetzeder, Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala 2009

Europa Neurotisch #2, Petersburg project space, Amsterdam 2009

There and here #1, wip:konsthall, Stockholm 2008

Out of place, Filmform at Cinemateket, Stockholm 2008

Art Kino #1, Gallery Bastard, Stockholm 2007

10th Istanbul biennial Nightcomers, Istanbul 2007

Globe Forum, Berns Lounge, Stockholm 2007

Canal Plus at Wilma Gold, London 2006

La ciudad y el Barrio, 2a parte, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires 2006

Privat, personligt, gemensamt, Länsmuseet Västernorrland 2006

Beyond the Pale (Non Stop Video Weekend), Konstnärshuset, Stockholm 2006

Resor, platser och hundar, Länsmuseet i Västernorrland 2005

Please Disturb! Svensk Form, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm and touring exhibition 2005

Sub Urbia touring exhibition, Stockholm läns museum 2003

Arghh, Edsvik konst och kultur 2003

Hortus Ludi, Marres, Maastricht 2003

Liljevalchs Vårsalong, Stockholm 2002

Blick, New Nordic Film and Video, touring exhibition. Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Moderna Museet et.c. 2001

The General Motor, Artnode, Stockholm 1999

Schakt, K´98, European Capital of Culture, Stockholm 1998

Liljevalchs Vårsalong, Stockholm 1997