A Video Art History
Video today has become self-evident in the daily flow, a transparent medium as part of contemporary life. The exhibition aims to make the proceedings of video visible by paying attention to its history, work processes, its physical format and its technological development.The solo show A Video Art History by Felice Hapetzeder takes off in the video-art collectives of the 1960’s and 70’s, which are largely excluded from history of art (as described for instance by Marita Sturken and Martha Rosler). They depicted society in a form of activism, which was opposed to media’s exclusion of everything diverse.But A Video Art History is the result of contemporary joint artistic processes in different configurations. Works in the exhibition exist in a field of tension between individual and collective creativity, as well as between a more documentary- respectively formal approach. The exhibition poses the question of what happens when history – in this case about collaboration – is written by an individual.
For the solo exhibition A Video Art History at Gallery 54 in Gothemburg 2017 new works in collaboration with children from the area were created. Stagings where they examined social, spatial and aesthetic circumstances through video as practice appear in a digital photography and video from the filming children's point of view. Exercises for a coming video art collective #1-3.