localaorg(@)gmail.com www.hapetzeder.com
Projects |
Sculptural Pavilion |
Arbetsplats(frågan)/The Workplace (question) |
pilot Tarlabaşı Community Workshop and Exhibition |
(frågan)/(the question) |
Draft for art in the public realm |
Konstön / Art Island |
Workshop as research |
Klinik |
Record Construct |
Tensta/Kreuzberg |
Bygg Rec |
Workshops |
Local A. was started in 2009 and is run by the artists Felice Hapetzeder och Jenny Berntsson. |
(the question) (2014 - ongoing)
(the question) is formulated by its participants. What are the questions moving this community? What is the relation between private and common, my relation to my environment? Local A. aims to transmit a fundamental joy of creation for everybody on his or her own premise. (the question) is propaganda for visual art as something unique in its access of important parts of human constitution.
In (the question), Local A. let the workshops themselves become works of art. The term performance was used to enhance the state of creativity, which was orchestrated. The whole process, performed in different places, was also documented in video to be used for an exhibition in an installation containing elements from the performances and additional material.
The participants in (the question) were instructed to create self-portraits in clay. This process and the whole situation, often in the public realm, were filmed. The emerging self-portraits in the public realm could be seen as a way of displaying the individual’s connection or footprint on society. The works and processes are filmed and will be presented in the new video work and installation to be created by Local A. At the end of the performance participants dismantled their work again – a reference to the creative process on the whole, which also contains destructive elements. The contradictory feelings provoked are part of our work and will be visible in the end result.
The performance also had another part, in which the participants were asked to answer one question and pose another in writing in connection to the sculptural process. The questions asked are from participants in previous performances and the new questions are forwarded to the participants of the next performance. These texts are used anonymously and fed into the presentation of the work.
(the question) has been performed and documented at Iaspis Project Space Stockholm, Gävle Konstcentrum in Gävle, the public space in Stockholm, in Jerusalem and at the beach of Hofit in Israel. In Autumn 2015 (the question) will be performed in Beijing, China.
(the question) was cofunded by Iaspis